Billions Talk
a generic collaboration platform which helps group of individuals or an organization to form virtual network and communities within to enhance interactions
My School Talks
a collaboration platform customized to
enhance communication between
parents, teachers, students and
school management
My Campus Talks
a collaboration platform customized to enhance communication between faculty, students, alumni and other stakeholders of a higher education institution
My Tour Talks
a collaboration platform designed to facilitate interactions between tour organizers and tour members
My Biz Talks
a collaboration platform for business users, designed to facilitate project based communications and much more..


lecture series designed to enhance the thinking and analysis dimensions of students and professionals
  • myscience101 (Portal)
  • Careers in Business Management (Lecture)
  • Careers in Science beyond Engineering & Medicine (Lecture)


Customized mentoring services designed for the millennial students and startups
  • Career mentoring for MBA students
  • Career mentoring for new Managers
  • Career mentoring for Information Technology professionals
  • Strategy audit for Startup businesses
  • Business development assistance for Startup businesses

About Us

A2A Training & Mentoring LLP, operates in two fundamental spaces – Learning and Collaboration.

It endeavors to develop unique offerings to enhance Learning and Collaboration at individual and organizational levels.

Team A2A

Sameer B. Desai – Founder & CEO    

An Engineer-MBA, Sameer in his 20+ years of corporate life,  has had opportunities to work across multiple functions in diverse industries in India, USA and Europe. He has a passion to work with startup entities and strongly believes that studentship is very much like a startup which needs mentoring to build a strong foundation for a great career.

Our Network

A2A advisory network consists of professionals who share its passion. These professionals have current or past associations with organizations such as TIFR, IIT Bombay, RIL, IBM, Mahindra, Citi, ICICI, KPMG, Oracle, SAP, Mckinsey, Intel, L&T as well as the StartUp businesses.

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